

Passport Services

EPPL currently offers US Passport Acceptance Services at 4 library locations.  Those are the Armijo branch located at 620 E. 7th St., the Dorris Van Doren branch located at 551 E. Redd Rd.. the Esperanza Acosta Moreno branch located at 12480 Pebble Hills Blvd., and the Richard Burges branch located at 9600 Dyer. 

Passport services are walk-in only on a first-come, first-served basis. Wait times and availability of service vary according to demand.

Regular Hours of Operation Are:

When you arrive:

  1. Have your application prescreened by library staff.
  2. After library staff have verified that your application, documentation, and forms of payment are complete, sign in at the kiosk.
  3. You will receive a text message indicating that you have entered the waiting list.
  4. When it is your turn to see the Passport Acceptance Agent, you will receive another text, instructing you to report to the Passport Acceptance Office. 

Passport Requirements


Payable to the US Department of State in personal checks or money orders

Payable to the City of El Paso in cash, personal checks, or money orders

    For more information visit US State Department Website