

Centre Future

Centre Future is the free information hub you need to become independent.  If you're a young person between the ages of 16-24, consider Centre Future to be your personal career, educational and developmental resource.  It is an independent, grass roots, community for young people by young people that can help you fast track to higher education, better employment, improved health and much more.  It will help you get back on the road to collective and self-determination. 

Here, peer counselors accompany emerging adults (aged 16-24) experiencing gaps in employment or education. We offer one on one sessions, a range of engaged workshops, forums, and events that enact connections to a greater web of career, education, and health and wellness resources specifically focused on the unique experiences of El Paso youth.

Centre Future can be reached via the Literacy Center Hotline at (915) 212-3245 and online via X and IG @ _centrefuture_.  Our dedicated space is currently under construction at the Main Library, downtown but you can call us today to start your journey right away. You can also fill out the form below to get started.  

Get to Know Me Form

Our Collaborators:


Breakthrough 915